Baby Keya is growing fast!
June 23, 2005
Keya takes her first steps
Keya crawls more and more. When her dad or I are sitting at the computer, she repeatedly crawls from the couch to our feet (under the computer table). When we put her in her crib to play, she stands up holding the bars of the crib. When we put her on the floor, she stands up holding the couch.
Yesterday when we put her in the crib, she stood up and then took 1 or 2 steps to her left holding onto the bars!! Today she stood up holding the couch and then took a few steps (half the length of the couch.) Isnt that great?! I am so thrilled at her achievements. We have uploaded a video of her taking tentative steps along the sofa.
In this photo taken today, she is wearing a skirt-blouse but it looks like a modern parkar-polka ;-)
June 17, 2005
Keya learns to crawl
We have just got back from an overseas trip and Keya spent all of Monday sleeping. She is also slowly adjusting to the time difference. Keya has become a bit cranky these past 2 days (maybe due to teething pain). She hates to be left alone even for a second! Her sleep has also become somewhat restless. She now tosses and turns in her sleep very often. She also turns sleeps on her tummy (on her own). So we were very surprised to see her starting to crawl so soon! We first noticed her crawling yesterday morning, when she was hungry and was crying and started crawling towards me. She knows me well now and cries to be carried by me. We have uploaded a video of her crawling.
Yesterday we measured her growth and it is right on track for her age.
- Weight : 7.9 kg (incr of 300 gm over last month)
- Height : 71 cm (incr of 3 cm)
- Head Circumference : 43.5 cm (incr of 2.5 cm)